Thanks for the Trouble by Tommy Wallach



“I’ve got some questions for you. Was this story written about me?”

I shrugged.

“Yes or no?”

I shrugged again, finally earning a little scowl, which somehow made the girl even more pretty. It brought a bloom to her pale cheeks and made sharp shelves of her cheekbones.

“It’s very rude not to answer simple questions,” she said.

I gestured for my journal, but she still wouldn’t give it to me. So I took out my pen and wrote I can’t on my palm.

Then, in tiny letters below it, I finished the thought: Now don’t you feel like a jerk?

Parker Santé hasn’t spoken a word in five years. While his classmates plan for bright futures, he skips school to hang out in hotels, killing time by watching the guests. But when he meets a silver-haired girl named Zelda Toth, a girl who claims to be quite a bit older than she looks, he’ll discover there just might be a few things left worth living for.

A very long time ago I read We all Looked Up and I loved it, in fact I think that the review for it is buried in the archives of this long forgotten blog. When I saw this at my library I was shocked that I hadn’t even known that Mr. Wallach had written another back.
This book was so interesting and the first book I’ve read in many many months. The premise is very interesting and really intrigued me. Zelda and Parker were great characters. They both had a lot of depth and unresolved issues. I mean we readers all know that when people have deep unresolved issues it makes them better characters.
The writing was darkly satirical and humorous whilst still evoking a heck ton of emotion which is an A* for Mr. Tommy Wallach. I enjoyed watching the story s it evolved and both of the characters fell more and more in love.
The only bad point was that I felt it took too long to get to the end even though I didn’t want it to end. I felt that the problem which the whole story was about wasn’t coming fast enough. This book is really just a fairy tale and I guess that’s why everything seemed to beautifully finished but I really wanted a cliffhanger.
I give this beauty of a book 4/5 stars and highly recommend you  read it!
Thanks for stopping by!

I’m Back!!! (+ Book haul)

Hello! I’m back, and I’m so sorry I’ve been gone so long. Stress and other personal things brought me to a very low place and I finally feel well enough to start reading and writing reviews again. I have a ton of books to review and read so stay tuned!Welcome To Nowhere by Elizabeth Laird

What Light by Jay Asher

A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard

These books where sent to me by the lovely, very helpful people over at McMillan Books. 
Barefoot On The Wind by Zoë Marriott

The Last Beginning by Lauren James

Thank you to the adorable kind people over at Walker Books.
The Women in The Walls by Amy Lukavics

This one sounds super interesting, so thank you very much to Simon and Schuster for sending me this as a surprise!
Thank you very much for reading!

The 5th Wave Movie Review






Release Date:

22 January 2016 (USA)

Also Known As:

The Fifth Wave

Filming Locations:

Macon, Georgia, USA

The Review:
Where do I start? To the end of the Earth, hands-down, The 5 wave is one of my favorite books in the entire world. This in some ways distorts my view of the movie because I’m so biased to how much I love the book.
When I found out that this was being made into a movie I squealed, I actually squealed. It was a very exciting day and I actually was following a countdown until it came out and was following all sorts of information that would fuel my excitement.
As it was about to be released at my cinema I would be really excited when I saw it on TV ads and other things like posters. My dad saw my buildup of excitement and surprised me with a trip to the cinema to see it and I was really pumped for the movie. I had not checked reviews as I didn’t want anything to dampen my mood. Sitting and waiting for the movie to start was painful, I was very impatiently waiting for the lights to dim. They dim and the movie rolls and I’m so excited for it to start. The book to screen adaptation was OK, that’s all it was.
The movie starts out strong and has the same interesting premise as the book. If you watched just the first half of the film you would realize that it is different from other cliched teen sci-fi films. The characters are interesting and it’s great to watch the different waves effect on the world. Especially the tsunami wave. I enjoyed watching the trip to the Army base and what went down there all though I’m sure it was different from the book. I even enjoyed watching Cassie trying to find her brother. I really enjoyed the Zombie parts of the film as they were my favorite parts of the book. Ringer was my favorite character and I enjoyed watching her dynamics fit in with the Squad.
From the moment that Cassie wakes up and meets Evan it goes so downhill not even demolishing the hill could fix it. It became a soppy teen love story where Cassie stopped depending on herself and only on Evan. She was always leaning on him to save her and then they end up doing it in a car. The battle scenes fall to pieces, the fx is terrible and it looks like a cheap, terribly produced film.
However I still enjoyed and do recommend it if you have nothing else to do.
3.5 stars out of 5